7 Aralık 2013 Cumartesi

((slayt izle)) İngilizce bile haberimiz yayınlandı yine de " BAŞBAKAN " ...

    İngilizce bile haberimiz yayınlandı yine de


This was the nightmare of two municipalities lawyer!


Eyup and corruption, accusing the municipalities of Sultangazi Lawyer Ahmed Omar Kibar was a personal nightmare of two municipalities in an effort to ...


corruption in local governments target area Polite not come until the claims of lawyer Ahmed Omar 's interesting results is the scene of personal efforts to fight corruption. Eyup and Sultangazi municipalities facing some pretty serious corruption claims raised through a chain of social media and e-mail has become a nightmare for the two municipalities with the polite.

MAIL DOES manyag, suing, WILL NOT

through a chain of e-mail and social media to reach millions of people actively using the polite Attorney Ahmed Omar , Eyup Istanbul and Sultangazi pointed out that what was happening municipalities Outs on the agenda. Lawyer Ahmed Omar managed to move up the claims of limited facilities, polite, especially in Istanbul is focused on the two municipalities.


Eyup and polite Sultangazi defending municipalities there were serious allegations of corruption in a campaign by the two municipalities are at the door . In addition to the claims of both the mayor shared documents and testimonies left in the lurch highly polite "alleged corruption, fraud crimes, contracts, word games geçiştirilip can not be suppressed." say they will not stop until you get results is emphasized.

corruption charges in two municipalities VERY HEAVY

Two municipalities in the "Land Purchase and Sale, Auctions, and about the collection of payments for Reconstruction Corruption, embezzlement, extortion and bid rigging" for the formation of crimes, claiming to be a serious findings polite" not guilty of a crime, but "does not account those responsible Dieren said. Sultangazi Eyup Municipality and the municipality, which split off as a result of these allegations of corruption exposed and polite that records the mayor of one of five people have been arrested, including prosecution of 10 people reminded me of a 15-year prison sentence. "çaycısında municipality, even if the driver of a fake Grail!" all levels of corruption, saying that corruption polite yaıyldığını defending himself on the court and organized the experts said.

"someone NERESİ ON I wonder WILL "

their claims would not rest, and go to the end of explaining the polite"produced the alleged Sultangazi Municipality chain, from content contrary to the truth"false official documents"and the individual who signed himself detailed, with explanations in a way, the public is published, someone (!) Where to stay open,"he do not even want to think about,"he said.

*İyi çalışmalar, saygı ve sevgiler*
*Murat Binzet*
*mailto:m1000zet@gmail.com <m1000zet@gmail.com>*
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