17 Mayıs 2011 Salı

(MADENCİYİZTR) Barrick'e Ait Altın Madenine Tanzanya'da Saldırı

Merhaba Değerli Madenciler,

Reuters'in haberine göre Barrick'e ait North Mara altın madenine bir hafta içinde 3. saldırı gerçekleştirilmiş ve 10 kişinin yaralandığı olaylarda 5 kişi de hayatını kaybetmiş. Amaçları kırıcıların birinden altın çalmak olan yerel silahlara sahip binlerce kişinin Pazartesi sabah 5te madeni istila ettiği ve buna karşılık polisin havaya uyarı ateşi açarak göz yaşartıcı gazla saldırganları durdurmaya çalıştığı fakat başarılı olamayınca gerçek mermiler kullanmak durumunda kaldığı belirtiliyor.

Ülkemizde artan terör olaylarını düşününce madenlerin güvenliğinin ne derece sağlanabildiği sorusunu düşünmek gerekiyor.

Hepinize iyi çalışmalar.
Önder Özen

Five killed in Barrick Tanzanian mine attack

Published Date: May 17, 2011
Source: reuters.com

Five people were killed after hundreds of people raided African Barrick Gold's North Mara gold mine in Tanzania in the third attack in a week, a senior police officer said on Tuesday. The mine, located in Tarime district about 100 km (60 miles) east of Lake Victoria, suspended operations temporarily during the raid to steal gold ore, but resumed production after calm was restored.

"Between 800 and 1,200 people armed with traditional weapons invaded the mine at around 5 a.m. (0200 GMT) on Monday with the intention of stealing gold ore from one of the crushers," Tarime-Rorya regional police commander, Constantine Massawe, told Reuters by telephone. "Police fired warning shots into the air and used tear gas to try to stop the attackers from advancing but they would not heed. Police were forced to use live ammunition to protect themselves. Ten people, including seven police officers, were injured in the incident," he said. A spokesman for African Barrick Gold, a unit of the world's largest miner Barrick Gold Corp, in Tanzania confirmed the attack, but declined further comment. Massawe said three suspects injured in the mine invasion were in police custody...

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